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People are more productive when they are happier -

People are happier when they are healthier


Hi, I’m
Melissa Cabral!

As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I provide personalized coaching services to help you identify and address the root causes of your health concerns and create a personalized plan to achieve your health goals. I work with clients to develop a holistic understanding of their health, including physical, emotional, and spiritual factors, and to develop strategies to improve their overall well-being.

Learn More About Me

We live in a go go go society, work hard, play hard, right? But when will you have a moment to re-charge, re-evaluate, and check in with yourself, are you asking yourself the important questions: Am I ok? What do I need? Is this good for me? Am I closer to my goals? Do I need goals? Am I happy where I am? How can I get there?

We make an infinite number of choices every single day and tend to feel burnt out at the end of the day, week, month, or even year… In today’s world we’re so busy and unable to accomplish a never-ending to-do list leading to feeling disappointed, frustrated, with a negative going on inside your head. On top of that, we’re prone to being cranky, exhausted, and hangry, leading to eating high carb and sugary comfort food that leaves feeling tired and bloated. Consequently, you go back to the fridge late at night to eat junk food again. A revolving vicious cycle! Relatable?


I’m here to tell you that is not your fault or a matter of will power. I want you to feel empowered like never before! I want to give you personalized tools that you, as a bio-individual, need to feel your best. I offer you transformation coming from a place of love, kindness, respect, awareness, understanding, and acceptance.

How would you like to feel when you wake up every morning? Tired, unmotivated, unsatisfied, burnt out, anxious, angry? I don’t think so! What about, rested, energized, fresh, grateful, determined, focused, and joyful to start a new day? Yes please!


I am ready to work with you if you are! Let’s heal the world one person at a time.